
We are thrilled to celebrate the achievements of our talented spellers from each grade. Special recognition goes to our sixth and seventh grade champions, Sam Lonsberry and Gabe Davis, who will represent us in the upcoming Regional Spelling Bee. The winner of the Regional Spelling Bee will have the honor of advancing to the prestigious Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C.!

Here are our grade-level champions and their winning words:

  • 1st Grade: Vera DiCola - soup

  • 2nd Grade: Matthew LaPiana - office

  • 3rd Grade: Emma Winters - mistake

  • 4th Grade: Roeland Phillips - phantom

  • 5th Grade: Jonas Palma - altar

  • 6th Grade: Sam Lonsberry - inferno

  • 7th Grade: Gabe Davis - mourners

We are so proud of all our participants and wish Sam and Gabe the best of luck as they move forward. Keep up the amazing work! 💙📚