UPDATED INFORMATION: In accordance with the Governor's most recent executive order, our Budget Vote and Election will be taking place via absentee ballot only on Tuesday, June 16, 2020. Ballots have been mailed out; if you are a qualified voter of the District and did not receive an absentee ballot, please call 585-658-5010 to request one.
Ballots may be mailed using the postage paid envelope included (as long as they will be received by 5:00 pm on the day of the vote). Ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later that 5:00 pm on the day of the vote, June 16th, to be counted.
A qualified voter is a person who is a citizen of the United States, at least 18 years old, a resident of the school district for at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which he or she offers to vote, and who is not otherwise prohibited from voting under the provisions of section 5-106 of the Election Law (for example, a person who has been adjudged to be mentally incompetent). Only qualified voters of the school district may vote on a question brought before an annual meeting and election or special school district meeting.