The 2021-22 enacted state budget includes language requiring each LEA receiving federal ARP-ESSER funding to post on its website, on or before July 1, 2021, a plan by school year of how such funds will be expended and how the LEA will prioritize spending on non-recurring expenses in the following areas:
• safely returning students to in-person instruction;
-The District safely returned students in PK-12 to in person instruction 5 days a week in
September of 2020. Protective partitions, Merv 13 filters, air purifiers as well as other
protective measures were used to facilitate a safe returning of our students.
ARP-ESSER funds will be utilized to recoup these costs.
• maximizing in-person instruction time;
-The District will eliminate the separate bus runs for the ES and JRSR High to maximize
instructional time. If allowed by the NYSED the District will only offer an in person
instructional model to maximize in-person instructional time. Some classroom salaries
will be covered by the ARP-ESSER finds.
• operating schools and meeting the needs of students;
-The District will continue our 5 day a week instructional model for all grades PK-12.
• purchasing educational technology;
-Technology will be purchased as appropriate to facilitate our 5 day a week in-person
instructional model.
• addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on students, including the impacts of
interrupted instruction and learning loss and the impacts on lowincome students, children with
disabilities, English language learners, and students experiencing homelessness;
-The District will use ARP-ESSER funds to support AIS services, special education
programs, and services to ELL, lowincome and homeless students. This will include
summer and afterschool programing.
• implementing evidence-based strategies to meet students' social, emotional, mental health,
and academic needs;
-The District will use ARP-ESSER funds to support staff salaries in support of the
implementation of evidence-based strategies to meet students' social, emotional, mental
health, and academic needs;
• offering evidence-based summer, afterschool, and other extended learning and enrichment
programs; and
-The District will use ARP-ESSER funds to support costs associated with summer,
afterschool, and enrichment programs.
• supporting early childhood education.
-The District will use ARP-ESSER funds to support salaries and programs that support
early childhood education.
On June 3rd, 2021 at 6:00 PM the District hosted a stakeholder meeting to gather input on the
use of our federal funds.
The programs identified in this plan are expected to continue beyond the availability of the
federal funding. It is the District’s intention to use the funds from the three year phase-in of
Foundation Aid to maintain these programs.