The 1959 George Oppenheimer adaptation of “Babes in Arms,” is set at a summer rock theatre. The plot concerns a group of young apprentices and their conviction to mount the original revue they’ve created while dodging the underhanded attempts of the surly theatre owner to squash their efforts at every turn. Further complications are provided by the overbearing stage mother of a beautiful ex-child star and the inflated ego of a southern playwright. However the show must go on, and so it does in a resolution of comeuppance, reconciliation, and romance.
Leading roles in the musical consist of Jesse Bacon (Gus Fielding), Mary Rose Cautivo (Susie Ward), Alyssa Cornelius (Jennifer Owen), Carmen Cruz (Bunny Byron), Brandon Fleming (Valentine White), and JoAnna Regatuso (Terry Thompson).
Supporting roles in the musical consist of Jordan Cady (Nancy), Josh Cautivo (Seymour Fleming), Emelia Clester (Betty), Ryan Colon Burgos (Peter), Destiny Gross (Libby), Gabe Gross (Don), Mike Gross (Steve Edwards), Reed Gross (Ann), Andrew Jackson (Lee Calhoun), Jack Lonsberry (Bob), Emily Mike (Phyllis Owen), Gabe Simons (The Press Agent), and Quinn Simons (Jackie).
“Babes in Arms” is under the stage direction of Mr. Lewis. The poster was designed by MMCSD senior, Alec Spicciati.
The hit songs to look out for are My Funny Valentine, I Wish I Was in Love Again, The Lady is a Tramp, and Where or When.
“Babes in Arms” will be performed at three separate show times in the auditorium. Show times are as follows:
- Friday, March 29, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday, March 30, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.
Tickets are $5 presale or at the door.
Come out and show your support for this wonderful production!